
The Focus - Our Tax Newsletter

Our Focus newsletter provides monthly tax trends and topics written by our professionals. 

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The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 04/28/2016

Partnership vs. S Corporation: Does it Make a Difference?

The traditional C Corporation makes up less than 25% of our client base.  There may be good reasons for the C Corporation, but the majority of our clients operate their businesses in a flow through entity as either a partnership or as an S…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 03/30/2016

How the Bipartisan Act of 2015 Could Affect Your Social Security Benefits

Ask a Baby Boomer who has worked the entirety or a portion of the last 30 or 40 years what Social Security Benefits are and they will likely have an answer for you.  Ask a Baby Boomer what the Bipartisan Act of 2015 is and you likely might…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 03/29/2016

Beyond the Numbers: Natasha Newbury

Natasha has been with Dermody, Burke & Brown since 2008.  She has significant experience with employee benefit plans and working with financial institutions.  Natasha received a Bachelor’s Degree from State University of New York at…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 02/24/2016

Beyond the Numbers: Sean McKenna

Sean recently joined Dermody, Burke & Brown as an Associate in the Audit & Accounting Department. Sean received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from St. John Fisher College and his Master of Business Administration…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 02/24/2016

It’s Never Too Early for 2016 Tax Planning

Now that we are almost into March, you have probably already filed or are getting ready to file your 2015 tax return.  Regardless of whether you are pulling together your 2015 tax forms or have just e-filed your return, the 2016 tax return…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 01/29/2016

Back to the Future Taxation

Bernie Sanders, the Independent-Socialist Senator and presidential candidate from Vermont was recently quoted as saying he would like to go back to the socialist tax rates of the Eisenhower administration.  Sixty years ago, Mr. Dermody, Mr…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 01/27/2016

Beyond the Numbers: Our Three Founders

Mr. Robert J. Dermody was in the first graduating class of Le Moyne College in 1951 and received his MBA in Accounting from Syracuse University three years later. After founding Dermody, Burke & Brown in 1956, Mr.

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 01/27/2016

Scam Awareness

With a roll of my eyes I reluctantly answered my somewhat staticky home telephone.  Seeing the caller ID registering this incoming call as a private caller had immediately put me on edge.  With my telephone numbers on the National Do Not…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 12/15/2015

New York Taxation and Interstate Commerce

Manufacturers in New York State have a good deal going for them.  They are not subject to the corporate income tax.  Manufacturers may still be subject to other taxes, such as the capital-based tax that will eventually phase out in 2021 or…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 12/15/2015

Beyond the Numbers: Timothy Maracic

Timothy is an Associate of Calogero & Associates, a New Hartford-based accounting and consulting firm that combined with Dermody, Burke & Brown in January of 2013.  He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from SUNY…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 11/20/2015

Has Your Company Updated Their 401(k) Retirement Plan Recently?

Our government is constantly revising the pension laws to account for new legislation, close loop holes or simply to meet the needs of our working population.   Thankfully, they do not require you to amend your retirement plan document…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 11/20/2015

Beyond the Numbers: Jennifer Kerr

Jennifer Kerr recently joined Calogero & Associates, a New Hartford-based accounting and consulting firm that combined with Dermody, Burke & Brown in January of 2013, as a Tax Senior Associate.  She received a Bachelor of Science…

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