
The Focus - Our Tax Newsletter

Our Focus newsletter provides monthly tax trends and topics written by our professionals. 

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The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 12/19/2018

Tax Reform Impact on the Standard Deduction & Itemized Deductions

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) has changed some tax provisions, effective in 2018. Several of the individual tax provisions are temporary. Also, many of the provisions expire at the end of 2025 at which time the rules will revert back to…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 12/19/2018

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Effect on Meals and Entertainment

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) passed into law on December 22, 2017 affected Section 274 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) for meals and entertainment expenses.

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 12/19/2018

Beyond the Numbers: Alyssa Hansen

Alyssa Hansen, MBA recently joined Dermody, Burke & Brown as an Associate in the Syracuse office.  She works in the Auditing and Accounting department at the firm. 

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 11/29/2018

Beyond the Numbers: Nick Marinelli

Nick Marinelli recently joined Dermody, Burke & Brown as an Associate in the Syracuse office.  He works in the Auditing and Accounting department at the firm.

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 11/29/2018

An Update on the Qualified Business Income Deduction Under IRC §199A

The qualified business income (“QBI”) deduction has been one of the most talked about aspects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. In our May Focus article, we took a look at how to calculate the 20% deduction, but there were many questions that…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 11/29/2018

The “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” and its Impact on Income Taxation of Estates and Trusts

For tax years beginning in 2018-2025, estates and trusts are subject to four tax brackets:  10%, 24%, 35% and 37%. New Rates and Thresholds - (2018 – 2025)

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 10/29/2018

Beyond the 100th Issue: The Focus Newsletter

As we celebrate over 100 issues of The Focus, we are sharing some of the history behind of our monthly newsletter. The Focus was created in June 2009 as a way to connect and engage with our clients.  We now have a reach of close to 800…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 10/29/2018

Business Year-End Tax Planning in Light of the 2018 Tax Reform Act

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) has made some major changes to the tax provisions effective in 2018. Some of the major provisions include:

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 10/29/2018

Maximizing Charitable Deductions Using Your IRA

Many provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) have received controversial reporting, perhaps none more so than the changes and limitations applicable to various itemized deductions.  New limitations related to the…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 09/25/2018

Beyond the Numbers: Elaine Gott

Elaine Gott recently joined Dermody, Burke & Brown as an Associate in the Syracuse office.  She specializes in bookkeeping and consulting services and works closely with clients to help resolve accounting issues.  Prior to joining the…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 09/25/2018

Do You Need a Business Valuation?

Today’s “baby boomers,” age 53 and over own the majority of businesses in the United States and the majority of them do not have a clear cut “exit strategy” or “succession plan.” The following are some of the difficult questions that the “…

The Focus - Our Tax E-Newsletter | 09/25/2018

529 Savings Plans

Cooler temperatures, changing leaves, and back to school - fall is certainly here.  While your little ones may be off to start the new school year, now might be the perfect time to begin planning for their future education.  One of the…

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